Contact Us

Headquarters 16F-5., No.266, Sec. 1, Wenhua 2nd Rd., Linkou Dist.,
New Taipei City 244022, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel.:+886-2-2600-2271 Fax.:+886-2-2600-5432 [email protected]
Branch Taichung No.31, Zhongshan 1st Rd., Daya Dist.,
Taichung City 428016, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel.:+886-4-25671575 Fax.:+886-4-25671525
Branch Kaohsiung No. 28, Ln. 100, Jiaosu Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824007 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel.:+886-7-616-6361 Fax.:+886-7-616-6095


We’re happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with an estimate from below with questions you may have.

Taipei Taichang Kaohsiung